Nationale MTB-O (2015-02-22)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Sault
Rendező: Avignon
Ország: France
Versenyforma: MTB LD
Táv: 14.3 km
Idő: 84:00
Átlag pulzus: 150
Maximális pulzus: 170
Conditions: mud topped with 10 cm fresh snow, icecold mistral wind and SUN!
Due to the bad conditions, the course was shortened.
S-1 bad route choice, but I never saw that trail up to the field so kept going around on icy muddy, snowy trail... 4 minutes?
1-2 must be best route choice, the lavendel field was rock hard
2-3 should have shortcut over the field
7-8: hesitated, thought about going south to the village on asphalt, but it is a little bt too long
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Nationale MTB-O (2015-02-22) Nationale MTB-O (2015-02-22)