Championnat de France MD (21-04-2018)
Categoria: Competition
Mapa/Área: Mares Gautier
País: FR
Disciplina: Championnat de France MD
Percurso de estafeta: K - D55
Distância: 5.05 km
Tempo: 58:24
Beautiful sunny and hot day i the forest of Rambouillet. My race was rather good if I just exclude my no 8. I ran back to old no 3 that now was no 8, but found wrong no 55 not 56, this made me confused and my concentration was gone, I went in totaly wrong direction, lost 12 min... In this forest you need to jump over all water filled ditches, not good at all for my hips...
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Championnat de France MD (21-04-2018) Championnat de France MD (21-04-2018)